
Privacy Policy

Information on Privacy

In keeping with regulation EU 2016/679, regarding the protection of personal data, and particularly in keeping with the article 13 of the same regulation, by the current publication the company called Pagus Wine Tours S.A.S. di Canteri Alessia & C. would like to offer its clientele the following information:

i) The ownership of the collected material and treatment of personal data will be on behalf of Pagus Wine Tours s.a.s di Canteri Alessia & C. (which will be simply referred to as the “company” in the following text), based in Negrar (VR – Italy), via Magellano, 19 – 37024, registered at the official commercial registry of Verona, with social security number 04171050232 and tax code 04171050232. The client will be able to address this main office address with any request, or, on the other hand, communicating by email, one may use the following email address: [email protected].

ii) The company would like to inform the reader that the treatment of personal data of the client will be for the purpose of specific uses as indicated in the following:

[a] to allow the client to have access to the website of the company in the case that he or she wishes to make purchases online of the company’s services. Consequently, the collected data will allow the client him or herself to carry out any desired purchasing procedures. Furthermore, the supplier will be given permission to carry out all the various administrative, commercial, bookkeeping, and taxation activities deriving from sales online. And, generally speaking, the company will be able to adhere to the relevant laws which are in vigor;

[b] by periodically sending emails regarding publicity and other types of information, to notify the client on information regarding the company’s services, as well as on possible additional initiatives, commercial or noncommercial, which the company is undertaking.

iii) The company promises to practice considerable discretion in using the data and information given by the client. Furthermore, the company promises to never reveal any such information to non-authorized persons, and to never use the information for purposes which are different from those for which they were collected. The company promises do not transfer the information to third parties which are not indicated as follows. Personal data can only be communicated to parties who are meant to carry out specific necessary activities which are part of the contracted duties on behalf of the company and the client (for example credit institutes, transportation and shipping companies, external companies that work directly with the supplier for technical and information management of the website). Furthermore, third parties who perform services for the company may become familiar with personal data which belong to the company, such as personnel in charge of managing the website or people who are involved with marketing.

iv) The company declares that it will not proceed in any forms of profiling their clientele, and the company will not be adopting automated decisive procedures related to this question.

v) The acquired information will not be kept for a period which exceeds the time necessary to accomplish the purpose for which it was collected, or for which it was successively used, and it will not be kept longer than the time that corresponds to the prescribed terms required by law. In the case of data being used for purposes of marketing (a purpose mentioned in preceding letter [b]), the data will only be used in the case that the client has not exercised a revocation, as expressed in the following letter vi), with the consequent cancellation of the data of the client from the mailing list in which he or she has been inserted.

vi) The client enjoys rights as in articles 15 ff. of regulation EU 2016/679, among which there is the right to ask for the access of one’s personal data including the possibility of changing or canceling that information, or the possibility of limiting or opposing the use of the information.

vii) Furthermore, in reference to the use of personal data for purposes as in preceding letter [b], the client will always have the right to revoke his or her consensus which had been given for that reason, and in particular the procedure of cancellation from the mailing list in which she or he had been inserted, following the consensus one had given.

viii) Furthermore, the client has the right to report any abuse to the related competent authorities, i.e. to the body which is the guarantor of the protection of one’s personal data.

ix) The communication of one’s personal data on behalf of the client is an obligation according to contract, since it is a necessary requisite for online purchasing of the company’s services. Should the contrary occur, the client will not be given the concession to make such purchases, and nor will he or she be able to carry out purchases using the procedures provided by the website of the company. However, in reference to the company’s marketing activities (the purpose discussed in preceding letter [b]), if the information and/or consensus for use has not been conferred to the company, then the company will not be able to send the client any advertising or information material as referred to above.

x) The information will never be transferred to places beyond the European Union.